Class Order


This Class represents a dataobject for an Order

Variable Summary
OrderCurrency $Currency

The OrderCurrency of the Order

int $CurrencyId

The id of the Currency of the Order

OrderCustomer $Customer

The Customer of the Order

string $CustomerComment

The customer comment of the Order

int $CustomerId

The id of the Customer of the Order

string $DateDelivered

The creation datetime of the Order

string $DateDue

The due datetime of the Order

string $DateSent

The datetime when the Order was marked as delivered

string $DateUpdated

The datetime of the last update performed on the Order

OrderDelivery $Delivery

The Delivery of the Order

string $DeliveryComment

The delivery comment of the Order

int $DeliveryId

The id of the Delivery of the Order

string $DeliveryTime

The delivery time of the Order

OrderDiscountCode[] $DiscountCodes

The Discounts of the Order

int $Id

The id of the Order

int $InvoiceNumber

The invoice number of the Order

string $LanguageISO

The ISO code of the language of the Order.

string $OrderComment

The internal comment of the Order

string $OrderCommentExternal

The external comment of the Order

OrderLine[] $OrderLines

The OrderLines of the Order

string $Origin

The origin of the Order (default Webshop)

OrderPacking $Packing

The Packing of the Order

int $PackingId

The id of the Packing of the Order

OrderPayment $Payment

The Payment of the Order

int $PaymentId

The id of the Payment of the Order

string $ReferenceNumber

The Reference number of the Order

string $Site

The Site of the Order

string $Status

The Status of the Order

double $Total

The total price of the Order without vat, shipping, and transaction price. (deprecated) This field is deprecated and might not represent the correct order total. For a correct calculation sum the value of order lines, shipping and transaction price

string $TrackingCode

The trackingcode of the Order

OrderTransaction[] $Transactions

The transactions of the Order

User $User

The user of the Order

int $UserId

The id of the User of the Order

double $Vat

The Vat percentage of the Order

string $ReferralCode

The referral code of the Order

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:46 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4